African Meat Pie Filling

2 min readJul 1, 2021
Pan on stove with red sauce and spatula in it and a collection of ingredients on the counter to the left

This version is adapted from a lovely African-style empanada recipe that you should totally check out here. My disabilities prevent me from making empanadas so I eat it over rice instead.
Serves 2–4

1/4 cup canola oil
1 pound ground beef
1 cup frozen, pre-chopped onions (Or 1 medium onion)
~1/2 tablespoon minced garlic (The onions and garlic I use)
2 teaspoons chicken bouillon powder (optional)
1 cup tomato sauce
2 tablespoon smoked paprika
4 green onion chopped (You can buy this pre-chopped in some grocery stores)
1/4 cup parsley (Or this whole container)
2 teaspoons pepper
Salt to taste

Large sauce pan
Can opener
If chopping your own produce-
Cutting board

1. Heat up oil in the pan over medium-high
2. Add the onions, garlic, chicken bouillon, tomato sauce, and paprika then stir well
3. Simmer for ~10 minutes

Stir frequently to prevent burning. You can add ½ cup of water if needed.

4. Add ground beef, continue stirring, and cook for 10 or more minutes

Break the meat up into small bits and make sure there is no pink left

5. Add green onions and parsley
6. Salt and pepper to taste
7. Adjust other seasonings as-needed

My finished product! I could eat this stuff for days

Bowl of rice topped with the African-style ground beef




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