6 Breakfasts for Survival

4 min readJan 17, 2022
3 blueberry muffins on a white plate
Photo by Joshua Flores on Unsplash

Do you have this problem too? When I wake up in the mornings I need to eat something for breakfast quickly or else my blood sugar crashes and I’m basically useless for the first half of the day at least. This means I cannot take the time to cook elaborate breakfasts. I used to try but always ended up feeling sick by the time it was done or I’d eat snacks while I waited and then wasn’t hungry anymore for the breakfast I just cooked.

So, I’ve moved on. I have accepted this as my fate and am compiling a list of foods that keep me functional in the mornings. Some require zero prep, some have a little prep like once a week. If you’ve read my other posts you know it’s because I also need variety to keep my tummy happy. This beggar is also a chooser.

Anyway, I want to keep this a living document of options I either figure out or suggestions from other folks so it covers as many dietary needs as possible! So if nothing on this list works for you, let me know! And I’d be happy to find some things that do!

  1. Protein shakes
    Not the kind you blend yourself. Nope! I mean, you could if you wanted, but I try to keep breakfast dishes down to the barest minimum possible. Blenders are not that easy to wash.
    I order protein shakes in bulk every week (it’s actually a subscription so I don’t have to remember to order them). I keep them in a mini fridge in my room so I can roll out of bed and take my morning meds with it. Morning blood sugar crash averted!
    This is one of those things that people have lots of opinions on about taste, quality, protein source, etc. I don’t. I found one I like the taste of fine with high protein and low sugar. Beyond that I personally don’t care. Find what works for you because this is about survival.
  2. Protein oatmeal
    Did you know you can buy instant oatmeal with protein added now? Oatmeal and I have a complicated relationship as far as texture goes, but I definitely wish the protein kind had come out sooner! Regular oatmeal alone always sends me reeling into a crash that’s hard to recover from, so I’ve typically avoided it. But yay! I can add this back into my list of survival options!
  3. Waffles with peanut butter
    This was something a family friend showed me years ago. I thought it was weird at first. Spreading peanut butter on a toaster waffle? You might be surprised but it’s so yummy! And personally, I find the peanut butter to waffle ratio perfect.
    When you make peanut butter toast, you either can’t get enough peanut butter to feel full or you have to put it on so thick it’s gross to eat. Blah. Filling the waffle squares though? I never feel like it’s too thick. I don’t understand it but it works amazingly.
    It’s easy to eat on the go if you want but you can also turn this into a decadent breakfast when the mood suits you. Add banana slices and syrup on top! Ok, so yeah, high sugar. But dang it’s yummy and filling. Worth it in my opinion.
  4. Bagel sandwich
    If you can make a regular sandwich, you can make this! Get your favorite kind of bagel, then add lunch meat, cheese, or peanut butter- whatever suits your mood. Voila! My personal go-to is everything bagels with ham and muenster cheese slices. Toasting the bagel before assembling always makes it feel nicer but it’s definitely not necessary. Bagel sandwiches are also a good on-the-go breakfast too. Don’t even need a plate, just use a paper towel to wrap it up and eat.
    Adding egg is another lovely option. Maybe fry one, maybe use slices of pre-boiled eggs. Your choice!
    There’s also the option of using single-serve packs of things like hummus or guacamole for added flavor and substance.
    Basically, like any other sandwich, these are a great space to play around and make it fun while also keeping it lowkey and manageable.
  5. Protein cereal
    Much like oatmeal, most cereals send me reeling into a blood sugar crash less than an hour after eating. So typically, cereal is a no-go for me. Then I discovered this stuff- Love Grown Power O’s. It’s super filling and has enough protein to actually keep me going for a while. Add your preferred milk type (I’m personally a big fan of almond milk with this cereal) and let it sit for a bit. This stuff is definitely on the crunchier side to the point of making it hard to chew when dry. But it’s tasty enough that my super-ridiculously-picky child will eat this happily for breakfast! And that’s saying a lot!
    The box is definitely on the expensive side for cereal, but I have found that smaller portions actually work because it’s so filling. This way it lasts a bit longer than typical cereals.
  6. Krusteze protein mixes
    Did you know Krusteze has a whole line of pancakes, muffins, and oat bites that are high in protein? I have mostly just used the muffin mixes so far myself. They’re delicious! They’re dense, filling, and don’t send me into crashes. I can feed my family on them for a few mornings in a row with one box (unless they go sneaking them as snacks throughout the day which is a common problem lol!). If you’re just feeding yourself this box easily lasts a week! And it’s as few steps to make as any other box mix is.
    One thing my family likes to do to keep it fun is make them in pans with fun shapes. Bought my kid a pan with unicorns for Christmas and I’m looking forward to having unicorn-shaped muffins soon!




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