Dry Rubbed Pork Ribs

2 min readJul 1, 2021
Freshly finished dry rubbed pork ribs still in the pan and steaming

This is my dad’s recipe (Don’t tell him I’m sharing this)
Serving number depends on how large of a rack of ribs you purchase. For my family we just had 6 boneless ribs. For a large rack of bone-in ribs there will be extra cooking directions at the end.

(Since quantities will depend on the amount of ribs you decide to make, I won’t be adding quantities to this ingredient list)
Spray on oil
Pork ribs
Onion powder
Granulated garlic
Black pepper
Chili powder
Cayenne powder
Brown sugar

Cookie sheet large enough to hold your ribs
Aluminum foil
Tongs (If you prefer not to handle raw meat with your hands too much)

1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees
2. Cover cookie sheet in aluminum foil
3. Spray covered pan with oil
4. Lay the ribs in the cookie sheet and slightly cover them in all of the spices except brown sugar

Cayenne is where you’ll probably get the most heat. So add more for spicier ribs, or sprinkle lightly/skip this one if you prefer your ribs mild.

5. Flip ribs over and repeat step 4
6. Pour some brown sugar and spread it across the ribs in a thin, even layer
7. Flip the ribs again and repeat step 6
8. Cover pan with ribs in foil
9. Bake for 1 1/2 hours

If you’re cooking just a few ribs, and/or they’re boneless, they’ll probably be done at this point. If you have a large rack, continue with the following steps

10. Remove top layer of foil
11. Increase oven heat to 350 degrees
12. Bake for an additional 15–20 minutes until crispy (or the brown sugar is slightly burnt)
13. (Optional) Spoon some of the juice in the pan back onto the ribs when you plate them! You’ll thank me later ;)

To go with my ribs I made corn on the cob, roasted sweet potatoes, and biscuits! While more dishes than I typically like to use, this was all in my range of abilities except chopping the potatoes. Thankfully, I had a friend available to help with that.

Full dinner plate with 2 ribs, a pile of sweet potatoes, a biscuit, and corn on the cob with cow-themed corn holders




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